About Us




Dry cleaning

Experienced Staff

At the heart of our operations is a team of seasoned professionals. Each member brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise, ensuring that every task is executed with precision and care. Trust in our experienced staff to deliver results that exceed expectations.


Fast Service

Time is of the essence, and we understand its value. Our commitment to efficiency ensures that you receive prompt service without compromising on quality. With us, you can be assured of swift solutions tailored to your needs.

Collection & Delivery

Convenience redefined. Our comprehensive delivery and collection service is designed to make your life easier. Whether you’re sending or receiving, trust in our reliable network to handle your items with utmost care, delivering them right to your doorstep.

Get to Know Us

Welcome to Missing Sock!

We are a passionate duo, hailing from different corners of the globe, united by love and a shared journey aboard luxury cruise ships. With a combined experience of 17 years on the high seas, we’ve had the privilege of meeting and serving people from all walks of life. Our adventures took us to the picturesque landscapes of South Africa, where we not only fell in love with the scenic beauty but also with its exquisite wines. And yes, with wine came the inevitable spills and stains, sparking our interest in the world of laundry.

Our insatiable curiosity drives us. We thrive on learning, exploring, and embracing new experiences, and we channel this enthusiasm into every facet of our business. At Missing Sock, it’s not just about laundry; it’s about building lasting relationships and ensuring delightful interactions with our patrons.

Nature beckons us. On any given day, you’ll find us soaking up the sun outdoors rather than being cooped up inside. And if you have a furry friend, bring them along! Our love for animals knows no bounds, and they’re always welcome to join the fun.

Our time on some of the world’s grandest ships has equipped us with the ability to think on our feet and tackle challenges head-on. So, whether you have a unique idea, need advice, or simply want to chat, we’re here to help. Our dreams are ever-evolving, and while we have aspirations to achieve even greater heights, our commitment to the fascinating world of laundry remains unwavering.

Our global escapades have shaped us, instilling gratitude for the experiences and lessons learned. As we embark on this new chapter of starting a family and integrating into a community, we are filled with excitement for the future.

Join us on this journey at Missing Sock, where every interaction is cherished, and every garment is treated with care. We can’t wait to meet you!

missing sock
missing sock
missing sock


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